What’s New Video Projects
Studio Three Brings Ultimatte Studio Production To Richardson
Appropriately enough, after relocating and opening our new Ultimatte-Blue Sound Stage in Richardson’s Telecom Corridor, our first two programs created on Studio Three were for the City of Richardson. Various arts, business and community leaders including Mayor Gary Slagel, dropped into Studio Three for “The Arts in Richardson” video, where they gave testimonials while footage of artistic events were ultimatted behind them. Shortly thereafter, we also produced a humorous video for the Richardson Telecom Golf Classic Awards Gala that featured a “roving-reporter” who would magically appear from the most unusual of places.
Channel Three Sends Primeco’s CIO Into Orbit, Wins Silver Telly!
One of our most ambitious projects involving Ultimatte Blue and 3D Animation is also one of our most successful. The story of PrimeCo’s first year since launch, which we created for their first annual strategic vendor conference, garnered a Silver Telly Award, giving Channel Three Productions a total of 3 Telly Awards for this year! The 3D-animated space adventure showed PrimeCo’s Chief Information Officer boarding a PrimeCo phone/spaceship, launching into PCS space and flying-through a time-line of planets representing all the important events in PrimeCo’s short but illustrious history. One of the biggest challenges of the project was re-creating from scratch, everyone’s favorite spokesmodel, “The Pink Guy”.
From Land, Sea And Air, Channel Three Shoots The City Of Irving!
Another Telly-Award-winning video this year was created for the Irving Convention & Visitors Bureau. The video promotes the city as an ideal location for meeting planners and features actor Terry Brennan walking us through Irving’s essential landmarks, from DFW International Airport to the TPC/Four Seasons Golf Resort. Following this, we produced a fund-raising video for Irving’s Parks & Recreation Department, promoting the protection and development of a valuable greenbelt along the Trinity River, known as Campion Trails. For these videos, we took to the air and sea (helicopter and riverboat) to photograph aerial and river views. Then, as the video describes what could be developed, watercolor drawings of everything from boat launches to amphitheaters are layered in over the moving video.
7-Eleven – A Culture Of Diversity And Service Wins Telly!
For over ten years, Channel Three Productions has created training videos for 7-Eleven (Southland Corp), that tackled subjects relevant to the community such as alcohol and tobacco sales in the video, “Come of Age”. In the feature-length training video, “A Culture of Diversity and Service”, the story of a culturally diverse neighborhood 7-Eleven store and the potential clash of cultures that can exist was examined through the often very different eyes of the store’s staff and its customers. Featuring a large, talented and diverse cast, in a timely story about extremely sensitive issues, the program won a Telly this year.
Find Out What Every Employer Needs To Know – From The TWC
Another “must-see” video for any business is “Unemployment Insurance Claims and the Appeals Process” a video distributed to employers by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The sometimes murky issues involved in an employee resignation or firing are enacted by another talented ensemble cast, portraying the partners and employees of a typical small business. For a free copy of this video, simply contact the Texas Workforce Commission and they will gladly send you one. Who says you never get anything free from the government?
Channel Three Plays Themselves (Sort Of) For Celanese
Celanese, Ltd. (formerly Hoechst Celanese) enlisted Channel Three to play media professionals in a media-relations training video for employees. The video, also scripted and produced by Channel Three, demonstrates what not to do when the media calls or visits, often to hilarious effect. The media confrontations were shot at the Clear Lake plant, near Houston. Along with real-life Channel Three cameraman, Donny Sorvala, playing himself, the reporter is played by Celanese Communications Manager, Eli Hernandez, and Houston actors, Deborah Hope and Michael Green play the receptionist and an emergency response team member.
Pro-Cuts Turns To Channel Three Productions!
Every quarter, Hawkins Pro-Cuts, Inc., distributes a video to all its salons that introduces the upcoming promotion and offers sales tips for the stylists. Starting with the Christmas promotion of 1997, Channel Three Productions began providing these videos, which also included a “March Madness” promotion and most recently, a summer baseball promotion. For this most recent video, Channel Three Productions shot a humorous segment at a salon with a “Baba Wawa” character interviewing stylists on their secrets to success. The segment introducing the baseball promotion was shot at the Ballpark in Arlington.
Channel Three Rolls On Dough Video For Pizza Inn!
Channel Three Productions recently completed several versions of a Pizza Inn training video that focussed on how to prepare different pizza doughs, from thin crust, to New York and Italian style crusts. Since the video will be used internationally, several different versions had to be created in order to accommodate the different countries’ varying shipping regulations for dough containing yeast. The importance of these dough procedures is emphasized by Pizza Inn President, Jeff Rogers, at the conclusion of the video.